NLP New Code – Created or Conceived?

New Code NLP Did John Grinder and Judith DeLozier create New Code NLP or did they inadvertantly ‘get this’ as part of their modelling from Milton Erickson? John and Judith sought to address the ‘imbalance’ of the classic code NLP whereby practitioners were able to create change in others, but were not good messengers themselves…

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NLP The Future is Modelling

Does NLP have a future without modelling? You either love it or hate, but either way, you can’t disagree – NLP is here to stay. The question is, in what form?

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What is NLP Modelling?

NLP Modelling is accelerated learning. NLP Modelling is the ability to fully replicate a desirable skill or behaviour that another person has into two discrete parts.   1) The full unconscious set of behaviours that perform the skill 2) The coding of such behaviours into a teachable / learn-able format

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NLP Modelling Where Angels Fear

Modelling vs Trial & Error One of the purposes of Modelling is not only to reduce the trial and error phase, but to avoid it at all costs if possible. What would be the point of it? The purpose of Modelling is both in the replication as much as the efficacy.  

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